Cum postam poze - Link-uri-miniatura

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scumpi27 post_id=167025 time=1542262738 user_id=762 a spus:
Pana la urma, in acest moment, cum postam poze? Am incercat cu noua galerie dar nu m-am descurcat.
cu [ing] link de dropbox merge?

Încarci pozele, dup? care î?i apar link-urile, selectezi ,,direct link,, [ing]direct link

Încarci pozele, dup? care î?i apar link-urile, selectezi ,,direct link,, [ing]direct link[/img]

Multumesc. Din pacate nu reusesc sa imi fac cont pe hostul acela. Ma pune sa descarc un fisier php si de acolo m-a pierdut...
Iata ce mail mi-a sosit astazi:

Photobucket currently hosts over 130 million photos for over 11 million free users! Effective June 1, 2019, new hosting limits will take effect that will impact a small portion of our image hosters.
What Are the New Limits?
Free hosters will be restricted to 25MB of hosting bandwidth per month. YOUR CURRENT USAGE IS OVER 25MB PER MONTH SO THIS NEW LIMITATION WILL AFFECT YOU.
What Happens If I Go Over My Bandwidth Allowance?
Free hosters, like you, who use more than 25MB of bandwidth will have all of their hosted photos watermarked and blurred.
This is an example of a blurred and watermarked image?

To restore hosting privileges and to avoid having your images blurred and watermarked after June 1, simply purchase a premium subscription plan for unlimited monthly bandwidth. Our plan pricing is the most competitive in the photo hosting industry.

Lock In Future Pricing Now
Photobucket pricing will increase in January 2020. Upgrade to a yearly plan, or a multi-year plan that will lock in your low pricing today.

Nu imi este clar daca pozele isi revin sau sunt modificate permanent ca in poza de mai sus
Ceea ce am scris mai sus se aplica galeriilor existente. Ce depaseste 25 MB va fi blurat deci astepti o luna sa vezi poze mai vechi postate pe forum de exemplu.
Deja pe photobucket (scris inten?ionat cu liter? mic?) am FOARTE multe poze, dintre care aproape toate sunt afi?ate pe acest forum. Le-a? aduce pe toate în storage lokomotiv dac? s-ar putea g?si vreo idee în acest sens care s? implice ac?iuni automate ?i nu manuale (una-câte-una) :)